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Writer's pictureAnahata Little BS LMT

How do you turn catastrophe into art?

For me, catastrophe has been the canvas of my life, my response has formed the art.

Catastrophe created a career of deep service, birthed a child, taught me to Mother, to weep in the darkness of sorrow when illness came to thief away life, to fight with a holy fury in the transcendence of pain to passion, to demand of myself a faith that would overcome the hottest raging of my doubt. My canvas of catastrophe is a glorious triumph with each successive breath.

A very reflective person I deeply admire asked me this question a few years ago. I forgot all about it until it popped up in a note this morning reminding me of the core of my strength and the essence of my peaceful heart. I needed that reminder because circumstantial sand was shifting under my feet, I was uncomfortable, irritated, and grumpy with the changes, all of which really affects my brain chemistry with the surges of fight or flight response, so finding a clear path back into a workable, sane, pretty peaceful solution, despite the circumstances, was necessary. Thank goodness I had a restful night of sleep.

Today, I am going to ask you this question, because how you live this question, will impact your life. It will change your brain. It will impact your entire body chemistry because our feelings, thoughts, and emotions are the neurochemical soup of our body chemistry. Reflect on how you turn catastrophe into art, even journal about it, so you can come back to realizing the ways you use neurochemistry to your advantage or

detriment. Then, you have a workable means to see how you can begin to paint the canvas of your life into something you really want.©

Patricia Anahata Little, BS, LMT

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